Copy prefixed tags to metafields, with Mechanic.

Mechanic is a development and ecommerce automation platform for Shopify. :)

Copy prefixed tags to metafields

Use this task to copy prefixed tags to metafields, useful for Online Store 2.0 filtering. When run manually, it will scan for all of the object type you have configured in the task, and add/update the configured metafield on each with the resulting tag value when the tag prefix is matched.

Runs Occurs when a user manually triggers the task. Configuration includes shopify object type, metafield namespace, metafield key, metafield type, and tag prefix.

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Use this task to copy prefixed tags to metafields, useful for Online Store 2.0 filtering. When run manually, it will scan for all of the object type you have configured in the task, and add/update the configured metafield on each with the resulting tag value when the tag prefix is matched.

This task supports the customer, order, and product Shopify object types, and the following Shopify metafield types: boolean, date, date_time, number_decimal, number_integer, and single_line_text_field. The tag prefix should include any existing demarcation (e.g. spaces, dashes, colons) from the tag value.

By example:
- Object type: "product"
- Metafield type: "date"
- Tag prefix: "Release Date: "
- Product tag: "Release Date: 2022-04-01"
- Tag value: "2022-04-01"

Important Notes:
- This task does not sync tags to metafields on an ongoing basis, nor does it delete existing metafields when there are no qualifying tags for a product.
- If there are multiple qualifying tags on an object, then there is no guarantee on which one the task might utilize, but it will only be one of them in any case.
- When using date and date_time metafield types, the tag value must be in ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD and YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM::SS respectively).
- For the boolean metafield type, the tag values can be any of the following: true, false, yes, no, 1, or 0. The resulting metafield value will be either "true" or "false".

Developer details

Mechanic is designed to benefit everybody: merchants, customers, developers, agencies, Shopifolks, everybody.

That’s why we make it easy to configure automation without code, why we make it easy to tweak the underlying code once tasks are installed, and why we publish it all here for everyone to learn from.

(By the way, have you seen our documentation? Have you joined the Slack community?)

Open source
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shopify object type (required), metafield namespace (required), metafield key (required), metafield type (required), tag prefix (required)
{% assign object_type = options.shopify_object_type__required | strip %}
{% assign metafield_namespace = options.metafield_namespace__required | strip %}
{% assign metafield_key = options.metafield_key__required | strip %}
{% assign metafield_type = options.metafield_type__required | strip %}
{% assign tag_prefix = options.tag_prefix__required %}

{% assign allowed_object_types = "customer,order,product" | split: "," %}
{% assign allowed_metafield_types = 'boolean,date,date_time,number_decimal,number_integer,single_line_text_field' | split: "," %}

{% unless allowed_object_types contains object_type %}
  {% error %}
    {{ allowed_object_types | join: ", " | prepend: "Object type must be one of: " | json }}
  {% enderror %}
{% endunless %}

{% assign object_type_plural = object_type | append: "s" %}

{% unless allowed_metafield_types contains metafield_type %}
  {% error %}
    {{ allowed_metafield_types | join: ", " | prepend: "Metafield type must be one of: " | json }}
  {% enderror %}
{% endunless %}

{% assign objects = array %}

{% if event.topic == "mechanic/user/trigger" %}
  {% assign cursor = nil %}

  {% for n in (0..1000) %}
    {% capture query %}
      query {
        {{ object_type_plural }}(
          first: 250
          after: {{ cursor | json }}
          reverse: true
        ) {
          pageInfo {
          nodes {
              namespace: {{ metafield_namespace | json }}
              key: {{ metafield_key | json }}
            ) {
    {% endcapture %}

    {% assign result = query | shopify %}

    {% if event.preview %}
      {% capture result_json %}
          "data": {
            {{ object_type_plural | json }}: {
              "nodes": [
                  "id": "gid://shopify/{{ object_type | capitalize }}/1234567890",
                  "tags": {{ tag_prefix | append: "1" | json }}
      {% endcapture %}

      {% assign result = result_json | parse_json %}
    {% endif %}

    {% assign objects = objects | concat:[object_type_plural].nodes %}

    {% if[object_type_plural].pageInfo.hasNextPage %}
      {% assign cursor =[object_type_plural].pageInfo.endCursor %}
    {% else %}
      {% break %}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% assign metafields = array %}

  {% for object in objects %}
    {% for object_tag in object.tags %}
      {% if object_tag contains tag_prefix %}
        {% assign object_tag_value = object_tag | remove: tag_prefix %}
        {% assign object_tag_verify = object_tag_value | prepend: tag_prefix %}

        {% if object_tag_value == blank or object_tag_verify != object_tag %}
          {% log
            message: "Tag prefix found without a value or not located at the front of the tag; skipping.",
            object: object,
            tag: object_tag,
            tag_prefix: tag_prefix
          {% continue %}
        {% endif %}

        {% comment %}
          -- validation for various metafield types
        {% endcomment %}

        {% case metafield_type %}
          {% when "boolean" %}
            {% assign lowercased_object_tag_value = object_tag_value | downcase %}

            {% if lowercased_object_tag_value == "true"
              or lowercased_object_tag_value == "yes"
              or lowercased_object_tag_value == "1"
              {% assign object_tag_value = "true" %}

            {% elsif lowercased_object_tag_value == "false"
              or lowercased_object_tag_value == "no"
              or lowercased_object_tag_value == "0"
              {% assign object_tag_value = "false" %}

            {% else %}
              {% log
                message: "Non-boolean tag value found; it must be one of: 'true', 'false', 'yes', 'no', '1', or '0'; skipping.",
                tag: object_tag,
                tag_prefix: tag_prefix,
                tag_value: object_tag_value,
                object: object
              {% continue %}
            {% endif %}

          {% when "date" %}
            {% if event.preview %}
              {% assign object_tag_value = "2020-01-01" %}
            {% endif %}

            {% assign object_tag_value_check
              = object_tag_value
              | parse_date: "%Y-%m-%d"
              | date: "%Y-%m-%d"

            {% if object_tag_value_check != object_tag_value %}
              {% log
                message: "Tag value must be a valid date in ISO-8601 format with delimiters: 'YYYY-MM-DD'; skipping.",
                tag: object_tag,
                tag_prefix: tag_prefix,
                tag_value: object_tag_value,
                object: object
              {% continue %}
            {% endif %}

          {% when "date_time" %}
            {% if event.preview %}
              {% assign object_tag_value = "2020-01-01T12:00:00" %}
            {% endif %}

            {% assign object_tag_value_check
              = object_tag_value
              | parse_date: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
              | date: "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"

            {% if object_tag_value_check != object_tag_value %}
              {% log
                message: "Tag value must be a valid datetime in ISO-8601 format with delimiters: 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM::SS'; skipping.",
                tag: object_tag,
                tag_prefix: tag_prefix,
                tag_value: object_tag_value,
                object: object
              {% continue %}
            {% endif %}

          {% when "number_decimal" %}
            {% comment %}
              -- use regex to make sure value is an integer or decimal, then convert to float for saving in metafield
            {% endcomment %}

            {% assign object_tag_value_check
              = object_tag_value
              | match: "^(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)$"
              | append: ""

            {% if object_tag_value_check != object_tag_value %}
              {% log
                message: "Tag value must be a decimal; skipping.",
                tag: object_tag,
                tag_prefix: tag_prefix,
                tag_value: object_tag_value,
                object: object
              {% continue %}
            {% endif %}

            {% assign object_tag_value
              = object_tag_value
              | times: 1.0
              | append: ""

          {% when "number_integer" %}
            {% assign object_tag_value_check
              = object_tag_value
              | times: 1
              | round: 0
              | append: ""

            {% if object_tag_value_check != object_tag_value %}
              {% log
                message: "Tag value must be an integer; skipping.",
                tag: object_tag,
                tag_prefix: tag_prefix,
                tag_value: object_tag_value,
                object: object
              {% continue %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endcase %}

        {% if object.metafield.value != object_tag_value %}
          {% capture metafield %}
              ownerId: {{ | json }}
              namespace: {{ metafield_namespace | json }}
              key: {{ metafield_key | json }}
              type: {{ metafield_type | json }}
              value: {{ object_tag_value | json }}

          {% endcapture %}

          {% assign metafields = metafields | push: metafield %}
        {% endif %}

        {% break %}
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% assign groups_of_metafields = metafields | in_groups_of: 25, fill_with: false %}

  {% for group_of_metafields in groups_of_metafields %}
    {% action "shopify" %}
      mutation {
          metafields: [
            {{ group_of_metafields | join: newline }}
        ) {
          metafields {
            owner {
              ... on {{ object_type | capitalize }} {
          userErrors {
    {% endaction %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Task code is written in Mechanic Liquid, an extension of open-source Liquid enhanced for automation. Learn more