Demonstration: Generate product sales report PDF with pie chart, with Mechanic.

Mechanic is a development and ecommerce automation platform for Shopify. :)

Demonstration: Generate product sales report PDF with pie chart

This task demonstrates how a product sales report can be generated as PDF and emailed to one or more recipients. It also shows how charts can be embedded in the PDF report using a 3rd party library like ChartJS.

Runs Occurs when a user manually triggers the task and Occurs when a bulk operation is completed. Configuration includes report on sales from today, report on sales from yesterday, report on sales in past week, report on sales in past month, report on sales in past quarter, report on sales in past year, group by product type, group by vendor, email report recipients, and run this task daily.

15-day free trial – unlimited tasks


This task demonstrates how a product sales report can be generated as PDF and emailed to one or more recipients. It also shows how charts can be embedded in the PDF report using a 3rd party library like ChartJS.

By default, the report will generate sales data by product. You may also choose to have the report group sales by product type or vendor. Each group type will generate a single pie chart showing the top 10 products (or types/vendors) by total sales in the selected reporting period.

For the sales reporting period, select only one of the following options:
- Report on sales from today
- Report on sales from yesterday
- Report on sales in the past week
- Report on sales in the past month
- Report on sales in the past quarter
- Report on sales in the past year

The task can be run manually, or optionally, set to run as a daily report by checking the “Run this task daily” option. If a less frequent schedule is desired, then you may modify the mechanic/scheduler/daily subscription to another frequency. See the scheduler section in the docs for more details.

Note: For shops with a high frequency of orders and/or a very large product catalog, these PDF reports can generate a large amount of pages. Consequently, this task should be considered a starting point to develop reporting tasks that work for your shop’s unique requirements.

Developer details

Mechanic is designed to benefit everybody: merchants, customers, developers, agencies, Shopifolks, everybody.

That’s why we make it easy to configure automation without code, why we make it easy to tweak the underlying code once tasks are installed, and why we publish it all here for everyone to learn from.

(By the way, have you seen our documentation? Have you joined the Slack community?)

Open source
View on GitHub to contribute to this task
{% if options.run_this_task_daily__boolean %}
{% endif %}
Tasks use subscriptions to sign up for specific kinds of events. Learn more
report on sales from today (boolean), report on sales from yesterday (boolean), report on sales in past week (boolean), report on sales in past month (boolean), report on sales in past quarter (boolean), report on sales in past year (boolean), group by product type (boolean), group by vendor (boolean), email report recipients (array, required), run this task daily (boolean)
{% assign from_today = options.report_on_sales_from_today__boolean %}
{% assign from_yesterday = options.report_on_sales_from_yesterday__boolean %}
{% assign in_past_week = options.report_on_sales_in_past_week__boolean %}
{% assign in_past_month = options.report_on_sales_in_past_month__boolean %}
{% assign in_past_quarter = options.report_on_sales_in_past_quarter__boolean %}
{% assign in_past_year = options.report_on_sales_in_past_year__boolean %}

{% assign today = "now" | date: "%Y-%m-%d" %}
{% assign yesterday = "now - 1 day" | date: "%Y-%m-%d" %}

{% assign date_query = nil %}
{% assign report_title = "Sales by Product" %}

{% if from_today %}
  {% unless from_yesterday or in_past_week or in_past_month or in_past_quarter or in_past_year %}
    {% assign date_query = "processed_at:past_day" %}
    {% assign report_title = report_title | append: " (Today)" %}
  {% endunless %}

{% elsif from_yesterday %}
  {% unless in_past_week or in_past_month or in_past_quarter or in_past_year %}
    {% assign date_query = "processed_at:" | append: yesterday %}
    {% assign report_title = report_title | append: " (Yesterday)" %}
  {% endunless %}

{% elsif in_past_week %}
  {% unless in_past_month or in_past_quarter or in_past_year %}
    {% assign date_query = "processed_at:past_week" %}
    {% assign report_title = report_title | append: " (Past week)" %}
  {% endunless %}

{% elsif in_past_month %}
  {% unless in_past_quarter or in_past_year %}
    {% assign date_query = "processed_at:past_month" %}
    {% assign report_title = report_title | append: " (Past month)" %}
  {% endunless %}

{% elsif in_past_quarter %}
  {% unless in_past_year %}
    {% assign date_query = "processed_at:past_quarter" %}
    {% assign report_title = report_title | append: " (Past quarter)" %}
  {% endunless %}

{% elsif in_past_year %}
  {% assign date_query = "processed_at:past_year" %}
  {% assign report_title = report_title | append: " (Past year)" %}
{% endif %}

{% if date_query %}
  {% log date_query: date_query %}
{% else %}
  {% error "Choose exactly one reporting period option: today, yesterday, past week, past month, past quarter, or past year." %}
{% endif %}

{% assign report_title_with_date
  = report_title
  | append: " - "
  | append: today

{% if event.topic contains "mechanic/scheduler/" or event.topic == "mechanic/user/trigger" %}
  {% capture bulk_operation_query %}
    query {
        query: {{ date_query | json }}
      ) {
        edges {
          node {
            lineItems {
              edges {
                node {
                  product {
                  discountAllocations {
                    allocatedAmountSet {
                      shopMoney {
                  discountedTotalSet {
                    shopMoney {
                  originalTotalSet {
                    shopMoney {
                  totalDiscountSet {
                    shopMoney {
                  taxLines {
                    priceSet {
                      shopMoney {
            refunds {
  {% endcapture %}

  {% action "shopify" %}
    mutation {
        query: {{ bulk_operation_query | json }}
      ) {
        bulkOperation {
        userErrors {
  {% endaction %}

{% elsif event.topic == "mechanic/shopify/bulk_operation" %}
  {% if event.preview %}
    {% capture jsonl_string %}
      {"__typename":"LineItem","id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/LineItem\/1234567890","product":{"id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/1234567890","title":"ACME - Widget","productType":"Widget"},"vendor":"ACME","quantity":3,"discountAllocations":[{"allocatedAmountSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"6.24"}}}],"discountedTotalSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"86.97"}},"originalTotalSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"86.97"}},"totalDiscountSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"0.0"}},"taxLines":[{"rate":0.05,"ratePercentage":5.0,"title":"GST","priceSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"4.04"}}}],"__parentId":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Order\/1234567890"}
      {"__typename":"LineItem","id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/LineItem\/2345678901","product":{"id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/2345678901","title":"ACME - Brick","productType":"Brick"},"vendor":"ACME","quantity":3,"discountAllocations":[{"allocatedAmountSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"2.59"}}}],"discountedTotalSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"36.0"}},"originalTotalSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"36.0"}},"totalDiscountSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"0.0"}},"taxLines":[{"rate":0.05,"ratePercentage":5.0,"title":"GST","priceSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"1.67"}}}],"__parentId":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Order\/1234567890"}
      {"__typename":"LineItem","id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/LineItem\/3456789012","product":{"id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/3456789012","title":"Blammo - Widget","productType":"Widget"},"vendor":"Blammo","quantity":3,"discountAllocations":[{"allocatedAmountSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"17.4"}}},{"allocatedAmountSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"5.0"}}}],"discountedTotalSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"69.6"}},"originalTotalSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"87.0"}},"totalDiscountSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"17.4"}},"taxLines":[{"rate":0.05,"ratePercentage":5.0,"title":"GST","priceSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"3.23"}}}],"__parentId":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Order\/1234567890"}
      {"__typename":"LineItem","id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/LineItem\/4567890123","product":{"id":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Product\/4567890123","title":"Blammo - Log","productType":"Log"},"vendor":"Blammo","quantity":2,"discountAllocations":[{"allocatedAmountSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"1.5"}}}],"discountedTotalSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"21.0"}},"originalTotalSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"21.0"}},"totalDiscountSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"0.0"}},"taxLines":[{"rate":0.05,"ratePercentage":5.0,"title":"GST","priceSet":{"shopMoney":{"amount":"0.98"}}}],"__parentId":"gid:\/\/shopify\/Order\/1234567890"}
    {% endcapture %}

    {% assign bulkOperation = hash %}
    {% assign bulkOperation["objects"] = jsonl_string | parse_jsonl %}
  {% endif %}

  {% assign orders = bulkOperation.objects | where: "__typename", "Order" %}
  {% assign line_items = bulkOperation.objects | where: "__typename", "LineItem" | where: "product" %}

  {% if orders == empty %}
    {% log message: "This task run did not generate any data to report on." %}
    {% break %}
  {% endif %}

  {% assign all_product_types_in_this_period
    = line_items
    | map: "product"
    | map: "productType"
    | uniq
    | sort_natural

  {% assign all_vendors_in_this_period
    = line_items
    | map: "vendor"
    | uniq
    | sort_natural

  {% assign summary_totals = hash %}
  {% assign product_data_by_id = hash %}
  {% assign product_data_by_type = hash %}
  {% assign product_data_by_vendor = hash %}

  {% for order in orders %}
    {% if order.refunds != blank %}
      {% assign order_refund_line_items = array %}

      {% for refund in order.refunds %}
        {% comment %}
        -- NOTE: Need to query for refund line items separately from bulk op query due to Shopify constraint...
        "Queries that contain a connection field within a list field are not currently supported."
        {% endcomment %}
        {% capture query %}
          query {
            refund(id: {{ | json }}) {
              refundLineItems(first: 25) {
                edges {
                  node {
                    lineItem {
                    totalTaxSet {
                      shopMoney {
                    subtotalSet {
                      shopMoney {
        {% endcapture %}

        {% assign result = query | shopify %}

        {% if event.preview %}
          {% capture result_json %}
              "data": {
                "refund": {
                  "refundLineItems": {
                    "edges": [
                        "node": {
                          "lineItem": {
                            "id": "gid://shopify/LineItem/9641853847372"
                          "quantity": 1,
                          "totalTaxSet": {
                            "shopMoney": {
                              "amount": "1.07"
                          "subtotalSet": {
                            "shopMoney": {
                              "amount": "21.53"
                        "node": {
                          "lineItem": {
                            "id": "gid://shopify/LineItem/9641853814604"
                          "quantity": 2,
                          "totalTaxSet": {
                            "shopMoney": {
                              "amount": "1.11"
                          "subtotalSet": {
                            "shopMoney": {
                              "amount": "22.27"
                        "node": {
                          "lineItem": {
                            "id": "gid://shopify/LineItem/9641853945676"
                          "quantity": 3,
                          "totalTaxSet": {
                            "shopMoney": {
                              "amount": "4.18"
                          "subtotalSet": {
                            "shopMoney": {
                              "amount": "83.52"
          {% endcapture %}

          {% assign result = result_json | parse_json %}
        {% endif %}

        {% assign refund_line_items = | map: "node" %}
        {% assign order_refund_line_items = order_refund_line_items | concat: refund_line_items %}
      {% endfor %}{% comment %}-- END: order.refunds loop --{% endcomment %}
    {% endif %}

    {% assign order_line_items = line_items | where: "__parentId", %}

    {% for line_item in order_line_items %}
      {% assign refund_line_item_quantity = 0 %}
      {% assign refund_line_item_taxes = 0 %}
      {% assign refund_line_item_subtotal = 0 %}

      {% for refund_line_item in order_refund_line_items %}
        {% if == %}
          {% assign refund_line_item_quantity
            = refund_line_item_quantity
            | plus: refund_line_item.quantity
          {% assign refund_line_item_taxes
            = refund_line_item_taxes
            | plus: refund_line_item.totalTaxSet.shopMoney.amount
          {% assign refund_line_item_subtotal
            = refund_line_item_subtotal
            | plus: refund_line_item.subtotalSet.shopMoney.amount
        {% endif %}
      {% endfor %}

      {% assign line_item_quantity = line_item.quantity | minus: refund_line_item_quantity %}

      {% assign line_item_taxes = 0 %}

      {% for tax_line in line_item.taxLines %}
        {% assign line_item_taxes
          = line_item_taxes
          | plus: tax_line.priceSet.shopMoney.amount
      {% endfor %}

      {% assign line_item_taxes = line_item_taxes | minus: refund_line_item_taxes %}

      {% assign line_item_discounts = 0 %}

      {% for discount_allocation in line_item.discountAllocations %}
        {% assign line_item_discounts
          = line_item_discounts
          | plus: discount_allocation.allocatedAmountSet.shopMoney.amount
      {% endfor %}

      {% assign line_item_net_sales
        = line_item.originalTotalSet.shopMoney.amount
        | minus: line_item_discounts
        | minus: refund_line_item_subtotal
      {% assign line_item_total_sales
        = line_item_net_sales
        | plus: line_item_taxes

      {% comment %}
        -- aggregate by product id
      {% endcomment %}

      {% assign product_id = %}

      {% assign product_data_by_id[product_id]
        = product_data_by_id[product_id]
        | default: hash
      {% assign product_data_by_id[product_id]["title"] = line_item.product.title %}
      {% assign product_data_by_id[product_id]["vendor"] = line_item.vendor %}
      {% assign product_data_by_id[product_id]["product_type"] = line_item.product.productType %}
      {% assign product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_quantity"]
        = product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_quantity"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item_quantity
      {% assign product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_gross"]
        = product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_gross"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item.originalTotalSet.shopMoney.amount
      {% assign product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_discounted"]
        = product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_discounted"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item.discountedTotalSet.shopMoney.amount
      {% assign product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_discounts"]
        = product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_discounts"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item_discounts
      {% assign product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_returns"]
        = product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_returns"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: refund_line_item_subtotal
      {% assign product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_taxes"]
        = product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_taxes"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item_taxes
      {% assign product_data_by_id[product_id]["net_sales"]
        = product_data_by_id[product_id]["net_sales"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item_net_sales
      {% assign product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_sales"]
        = product_data_by_id[product_id]["total_sales"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item_total_sales

      {% comment %}
        -- aggregate all products for summary row
      {% endcomment %}

      {% assign summary_totals["total_quantity"]
        = summary_totals["total_quantity"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item_quantity
      {% assign summary_totals["total_gross"]
        = summary_totals["total_gross"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item.originalTotalSet.shopMoney.amount
      {% assign summary_totals["total_discounted"]
        = summary_totals["total_discounted"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item.discountedTotalSet.shopMoney.amount
      {% assign summary_totals["total_discounts"]
        = summary_totals["total_discounts"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item_discounts
      {% assign summary_totals["total_returns"]
        = summary_totals["total_returns"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: refund_line_item_subtotal
      {% assign summary_totals["total_taxes"]
        = summary_totals["total_taxes"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item_taxes
      {% assign summary_totals["net_sales"]
        = summary_totals["net_sales"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item_net_sales
      {% assign summary_totals["total_sales"]
        = summary_totals["total_sales"]
        | default: 0
        | plus: line_item_total_sales

      {% comment %}
        -- aggregate by product type
      {% endcomment %}

      {% assign product_type = line_item.product.productType %}

      {% if options.group_by_product_type__boolean and product_type != blank %}
        {% assign product_data_by_type[product_type]
          = product_data_by_type[product_type]
          | default: hash
        {% assign product_data_by_type[product_type]["product_type"]
          = line_item.product.productType
        {% assign product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_quantity"]
          = product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_quantity"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item_quantity
        {% assign product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_gross"]
          = product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_gross"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item.originalTotalSet.shopMoney.amount
        {% assign product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_discounted"]
          = product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_discounted"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item.discountedTotalSet.shopMoney.amount
        {% assign product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_discounts"]
          = product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_discounts"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item_discounts
        {% assign product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_returns"]
          = product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_returns"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: refund_line_item_subtotal
        {% assign product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_taxes"]
          = product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_taxes"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item_taxes
        {% assign product_data_by_type[product_type]["net_sales"]
          = product_data_by_type[product_type]["net_sales"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item_net_sales
        {% assign product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_sales"]
          = product_data_by_type[product_type]["total_sales"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item_total_sales
      {% endif %}

      {% comment %}
        -- aggregate by vendor
      {% endcomment %}

      {% assign vendor = line_item.vendor %}

      {% if options.group_by_vendor__boolean and vendor != blank %}
        {% assign product_data_by_vendor[vendor]
          = product_data_by_vendor[vendor]
          | default: hash
        {% assign product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["vendor"]
          = line_item.vendor
        {% assign product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_quantity"]
          = product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_quantity"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item_quantity
        {% assign product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_gross"]
          = product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_gross"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item.originalTotalSet.shopMoney.amount
        {% assign product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_discounted"]
          = product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_discounted"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item.discountedTotalSet.shopMoney.amount
        {% assign product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_discounts"]
          = product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_discounts"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item_discounts
        {% assign product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_returns"]
          = product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_returns"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: refund_line_item_subtotal
        {% assign product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_taxes"]
          = product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_taxes"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item_taxes
        {% assign product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["net_sales"]
          = product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["net_sales"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item_net_sales
        {% assign product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_sales"]
          = product_data_by_vendor[vendor]["total_sales"]
          | default: 0
          | plus: line_item_total_sales
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}{% comment %}-- END: line_items loop --{% endcomment %}
  {% endfor %}{% comment %}-- END: orders loop --{% endcomment %}

  {% comment %}
    -- create HTML output blocks for PDF generation
  {% endcomment %}

  {% capture table_header_row_html %}
  {% endcapture %}

  {% assign sorted_product_data_by_id
    = product_data_by_id
    | values
    | sort: "total_sales"
    | reverse
  {% assign product_id_chart_labels
    = sorted_product_data_by_id
    | map: "title"
  {% assign product_id_chart_data
    = sorted_product_data_by_id
    | map: "total_sales"

  {% if sorted_product_data_by_id.size > 10 %}
    {% assign product_id_chart_labels
      = product_id_chart_labels
      | slice: 0, 10
      | push: "ALL OTHERS"
    {% assign sum_all_others
      = product_id_chart_data
      | slice: 10, sorted_product_data_by_id.size
      | sum
    {% assign product_id_chart_data
      = product_id_chart_data
      | slice: 0, 10
      | push: sum_all_others
  {% endif %}

  {% log
    product_id_chart_labels: product_id_chart_labels,
    product_id_chart_data: product_id_chart_data

  {% capture total_discounts_html %}
    {% if summary_totals.total_discounts > 0 %}
      <td nowrap>-{{ summary_totals.total_discounts | currency }}</td>
    {% else %}
      <td>{{ 0 | currency }}</td>
    {% endif %}
  {% endcapture %}

  {% capture total_returns_html %}
    {% if summary_totals.total_returns > 0 %}
      <td nowrap>-{{ summary_totals.total_returns | currency }}</td>
    {% else %}
      <td>{{ 0 | currency }}</td>
    {% endif %}
  {% endcapture %}

  {% capture summary_row_html %}
    <tr class="summary-row">
      <td colspan="3">Summary</td>
      <td>{{ summary_totals.total_quantity }}</td>
      <td>{{ summary_totals.total_gross | currency }}</td>
      {{ total_discounts_html | strip }}
      {{ total_returns_html | strip }}
      <td>{{ summary_totals.net_sales | currency }}</td>
      <td>{{ summary_totals.total_taxes | currency }}</td>
      <td>{{ summary_totals.total_sales | currency }}</td>
  {% endcapture %}

  {% assign report_rows = array | push: summary_row_html %}

  {% for product in sorted_product_data_by_id %}
    {% capture product_total_discounts_html %}
      {% if product.total_discounts > 0 %}
        <td nowrap>-{{ product.total_discounts | currency }}</td>
      {% else %}
        <td>{{ 0 | currency }}</td>
      {% endif %}
    {% endcapture %}

    {% capture product_total_returns_html %}
      {% if product.total_returns > 0 %}
        <td nowrap>-{{ product.total_returns | currency }}</td>
      {% else %}
        <td>{{ 0 | currency }}</td>
      {% endif %}
    {% endcapture %}

    {% capture product_row_html %}
        <td>{{ product.title }}</td>
        <td>{{ product.vendor }}</td>
        <td>{{ product.product_type }}</td>
        <td>{{ product.total_quantity }}</td>
        <td>{{ product.total_gross | currency }}</td>
        {{ product_total_discounts_html | strip }}
        {{ product_total_returns_html | strip }}
        <td>{{ product.net_sales | currency }}</td>
        <td>{{ product.total_taxes | currency }}</td>
        <td>{{ product.total_sales | currency }}</td>
    {% endcapture %}

    {% assign report_rows = report_rows | push: product_row_html %}
  {% endfor %}

  {% capture group_by_id_table %}
        {{ table_header_row_html }}
        {{ report_rows | join: newline }}
  {% endcapture %}

  {% if options.group_by_product_type__boolean %}
    {% assign sorted_product_data_by_type
      = product_data_by_type
      | values
      | sort: "total_sales"
      | reverse
    {% assign product_type_chart_labels
      = sorted_product_data_by_type
      | map: "product_type"
    {% assign product_type_chart_data
      = sorted_product_data_by_type
      | map: "total_sales"

    {% if sorted_product_data_by_type.size > 10 %}
      {% assign product_type_chart_labels
        = product_type_chart_labels
        | slice: 0, 10
        | push: "ALL OTHERS"
      {% assign sum_all_others
        = product_type_chart_data
        | slice: 10, sorted_product_data_by_type.size
        | sum
      {% assign product_type_chart_data
        = product_type_chart_data
        | slice: 0, 10
        | push: sum_all_others
    {% endif %}

    {% log
      product_type_chart_labels: product_type_chart_labels,
      product_type_chart_data: product_type_chart_data

    {% assign group_by_type_tables = array %}

    {% for product_type in all_product_types_in_this_period %}
      {% assign summary_row_data = product_data_by_type[product_type] %}

      {% capture total_discounts_html %}
        {% if summary_row_data.total_discounts > 0 %}
          <td nowrap>-{{ summary_row_data.total_discounts | currency }}</td>
        {% else %}
          <td>{{ 0 | currency }}</td>
        {% endif %}
      {% endcapture %}

      {% capture total_returns_html %}
        {% if summary_row_data.total_returns > 0 %}
          <td nowrap>-{{ summary_row_data.total_returns | currency }}</td>
        {% else %}
          <td>{{ 0 | currency }}</td>
        {% endif %}
      {% endcapture %}

      {% capture summary_row_html %}
        <tr class="summary-row">
          <td colspan="3">Summary</td>
          <td>{{ summary_row_data.total_quantity }}</td>
          <td>{{ summary_row_data.total_gross | currency }}</td>
          {{ total_discounts_html | strip }}
          {{ total_returns_html | strip }}
          <td>{{ summary_row_data.net_sales | currency }}</td>
          <td>{{ summary_row_data.total_taxes | currency }}</td>
          <td>{{ summary_row_data.total_sales | currency }}</td>
      {% endcapture %}

      {% assign report_rows = array | push: summary_row_html %}

      {% assign sorted_product_data_by_type
        = sorted_product_data_by_id
        | where: "product_type", product_type

      {% for product in sorted_product_data_by_type %}
        {% capture product_total_discounts_html %}
          {% if product.total_discounts > 0 %}
            <td nowrap>-{{ product.total_discounts | currency }}</td>
          {% else %}
            <td>{{ 0 | currency }}</td>
          {% endif %}
        {% endcapture %}

        {% capture product_total_returns_html %}
          {% if product.total_returns > 0 %}
            <td nowrap>-{{ product.total_returns | currency }}</td>
          {% else %}
            <td>{{ 0 | currency }}</td>
          {% endif %}
        {% endcapture %}

        {% capture product_row_html %}
            <td>{{ product.title }}</td>
            <td>{{ product.vendor }}</td>
            <td>{{ product.product_type }}</td>
            <td>{{ product.total_quantity }}</td>
            <td>{{ product.total_gross | currency }}</td>
            {{ product_total_discounts_html | strip }}
            {{ product_total_returns_html | strip }}
            <td>{{ product.net_sales | currency }}</td>
            <td>{{ product.total_taxes | currency }}</td>
            <td>{{ product.total_sales | currency }}</td>
        {% endcapture %}

        {% assign report_rows = report_rows | push: product_row_html %}
      {% endfor %}

      {% capture table_html %}
            {{ table_header_row_html }}
            {{ report_rows | join: newline }}
      {% endcapture %}

      {% assign group_by_type_tables = group_by_type_tables | push: table_html %}
    {% endfor %}{% comment %}-- END: all product types loop --{% endcomment %}
  {% endif %}

  {% if options.group_by_vendor__boolean %}
    {% assign sorted_product_data_by_vendor
      = product_data_by_vendor
      | values
      | sort: "total_sales"
      | reverse
    {% assign product_vendor_chart_labels
      = sorted_product_data_by_vendor
      | map: "vendor"
    {% assign product_vendor_chart_data
      = sorted_product_data_by_vendor
      | map: "total_sales"

    {% if sorted_product_data_by_vendor.size > 10 %}
      {% assign product_vendor_chart_labels
        = product_vendor_chart_labels
        | slice: 0, 10
        | push: "ALL OTHERS"
      {% assign sum_all_others
        = product_vendor_chart_data
        | slice: 10, sorted_product_data_by_type.size
        | sum
      {% assign product_vendor_chart_data
        = product_vendor_chart_data
        | slice: 0, 10
        | push: sum_all_others
    {% endif %}

    {% log
      product_vendor_chart_labels: product_vendor_chart_labels,
      product_vendor_chart_data: product_vendor_chart_data

    {% assign group_by_vendor_tables = array %}

    {% for vendor in all_vendors_in_this_period %}
      {% assign summary_data = product_data_by_vendor[vendor] %}

      {% capture total_discounts_html %}
        {% if summary_data.total_discounts > 0 %}
          <td nowrap>-{{ summary_data.total_discounts | currency }}</td>
        {% else %}
          <td>{{ 0 | currency }}</td>
        {% endif %}
      {% endcapture %}

      {% capture total_returns_html %}
        {% if summary_data.total_returns > 0 %}
          <td nowrap>-{{ summary_data.total_returns | currency }}</td>
        {% else %}
          <td>{{ 0 | currency }}</td>
        {% endif %}
      {% endcapture %}

      {% capture summary_row_html %}
        <tr class="summary-row">
          <td colspan="3">Summary</td>
          <td>{{ summary_data.total_quantity }}</td>
          <td>{{ summary_data.total_gross | currency }}</td>
          {{ total_discounts_html | strip }}
          {{ total_returns_html | strip }}
          <td>{{ summary_data.net_sales | currency }}</td>
          <td>{{ summary_data.total_taxes | currency }}</td>
          <td>{{ summary_data.total_sales | currency }}</td>
      {% endcapture %}

      {% assign report_rows = array | push: summary_row_html %}

      {% assign sorted_product_data_by_vendor
        = sorted_product_data_by_id
        | where: "vendor", vendor

      {% for product in sorted_product_data_by_vendor %}
        {% capture product_total_discounts_html %}
          {% if product.total_discounts > 0 %}
            <td nowrap>-{{ product.total_discounts | currency }}</td>
          {% else %}
            <td>{{ 0 | currency }}</td>
          {% endif %}
        {% endcapture %}

        {% capture product_total_returns_html %}
          {% if product.total_returns > 0 %}
            <td nowrap>-{{ product.total_returns | currency }}</td>
          {% else %}
            <td>{{ 0 | currency }}</td>
          {% endif %}
        {% endcapture %}

        {% capture product_row_html %}
            <td>{{ product.title }}</td>
            <td>{{ product.vendor }}</td>
            <td>{{ product.product_type }}</td>
            <td>{{ product.total_quantity }}</td>
            <td>{{ product.total_gross | currency }}</td>
            {{ product_total_discounts_html | strip }}
            {{ product_total_returns_html | strip }}
            <td>{{ product.net_sales | currency }}</td>
            <td>{{ product.total_taxes | currency }}</td>
            <td>{{ product.total_sales | currency }}</td>
        {% endcapture %}

        {% assign report_rows = report_rows | push: product_row_html %}
      {% endfor %}

      {% capture table_html %}
            {{ table_header_row_html }}
            {{ report_rows | join: newline }}
      {% endcapture %}

      {% assign group_by_vendor_tables = group_by_vendor_tables | push: table_html %}
    {% endfor %}{% comment %}-- END: all vendors loop --{% endcomment %}
  {% endif %}

  {% comment %}
  -- generate PDF and send email
  {% endcomment %}

  {% assign slice_colors
    = "#24425C,#386890,#4682B4,#6B9BC3,#89AFCF,#A1BFD9,#B4CCE1,#C3D6E7,#D9E5F0,#E7EEF5,#F1F1F1"
    | split: ","

  {% capture html %}
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <script src=""></script>
      <script src=""></script>
        .chart-container {
          width: 960px;
          margin: 50px auto;
          page-break-after: always;
        .report-data {
          width: 960px;
          margin: 0 auto;
          font-size: 15px;
        section + section {
          page-break-before: always;
        table {
          margin: 0 auto;
          max-width: 100%;
          width: 100%;
          border-collapse: collapse;
        table + table {
          margin-top: 20px;
        thead {
          background-color: lightsteelblue;
          font-weight: bold;
        tbody > tr:nth-child(odd):not(.summary-row) {
          background-color: rgba(176,196,222,0.15);
        td {
          border: 1px solid steelblue;
          padding: 5px;
        tr > td:nth-child(n+4) {
          text-align: right;
        .summary-row {
          background-color: rgba(176,196,222,0.4);
          font-weight: bold;
          border-bottom: 2px solid lightsteelblue;
        tr.summary-row > td:nth-child(n+2) {
          text-align: right;
      <section id="sales-by-product-id">
        <div class="chart-container">
          <canvas id="product-id-chart"></canvas>
        <div class="report-data">
          <h2>{{ report_title }}</h2>
          {{ group_by_id_table }}
      {% if options.group_by_product_type__boolean %}
        <section id="sales-by-product-type">
          <div class="chart-container">
            <canvas id="product-type-chart"></canvas>
          <div class="report-data">
            <h2>{{ report_title }} [Grouped by Product Type]</h2>
            {{ group_by_type_tables | join: newline }}
      {% endif %}
      {% if options.group_by_vendor__boolean %}
        <section id="sales-by-vendor">
          <div class="chart-container">
            <canvas id="product-vendor-chart"></canvas>
          <div class="report-data">
            <h2>{{ report_title }} [Grouped by Vendor]</h2>
            {{ group_by_vendor_tables | join: newline }}
      {% endif %}

      <script type="text/javascript">
        function drawGraphs() {
          Chart.helpers.merge(, {
            align: 'start',
            anchor: 'end',
            backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.2)',
            borderRadius: '5',
            color: 'white',
            formatter: function (value, ctx) {
              var dataArr =[0].data;
              var sum = dataArr.reduce(function (acc, curr) {
                return acc + curr
              return (value * 100 / sum).toFixed(1) + "%";
            labels: {
              title: {
                font: {
                  weight: 'bold'
              value: {
                color: 'white'

          new Chart(document.getElementById("product-id-chart"), {
            type: 'pie',
            data: {
              labels: {{ product_id_chart_labels | json }},
              datasets: [{
                backgroundColor: {{ slice_colors | json }},
                data: {{ product_id_chart_data | json }}
            plugins: [ChartDataLabels],
            options: {
              title: {
                display: true,
                text: '% Sales by Product'
              animation: {
                animateRotate: false

          {% if options.group_by_product_type__boolean %}
            new Chart(document.getElementById("product-type-chart"), {
              type: 'pie',
              data: {
                labels: {{ product_type_chart_labels | json }},
                datasets: [{
                  backgroundColor: {{ slice_colors | json }},
                  data: {{ product_type_chart_data | json }}
              plugins: [ChartDataLabels],
              options: {
                title: {
                  display: true,
                  text: '% Sales by Product Type'
                animation: {
                  animateRotate: false
          {% endif %}

          {% if options.group_by_vendor__boolean %}
            new Chart(document.getElementById("product-vendor-chart"), {
              type: 'pie',
              data: {
                labels: {{ product_vendor_chart_labels | json }},
                datasets: [{
                  backgroundColor: {{ slice_colors | json }},
                  data: {{ product_vendor_chart_data | json }}
              plugins: [ChartDataLabels],
              options: {
                title: {
                  display: true,
                  text: '% Sales by Vendor'
                animation: {
                  animateRotate: false
          {% endif  %}

        window.onload = function () {
  {% endcapture %}

  {% capture header_html %}
    <div style="display:flex;justify-content:space-between;">
      <div>{{ today }}</div>
      <div>{{ report_title }}</div>
      <div>Page <span class="pdfcrowd-page-number"></span> of <span class="pdfcrowd-page-count"></span></div>
  {% endcapture %}

  {% action "email" %}
      "to": {{ options.email_report_recipients__array_required | join: "," | json }},
      "subject": {{ report_title_with_date | json }},
      "body": "Please see the attached PDF. :)",
      "reply_to": {{ shop.customer_email | json }},
      "from_display_name": {{ | json }},
      "attachments": {
        {{ report_title_with_date | handleize | append: ".pdf" | json }}: {
          "pdf": {
            "html": {{ html | json }},
            "__force_pdfcrowd": true,
            "orientation": "landscape",
            "header_html": {{ header_html | json }}
  {% endaction %}
{% endif %}
Task code is written in Mechanic Liquid, an extension of open-source Liquid enhanced for automation. Learn more