Mechanic is a development and ecommerce automation platform for Shopify. :)
Useful for selling, say, a limited print with different framing options, this task makes sure that a product's inventory levels, for each variant and location, are all kept in sync.
Runs Occurs whenever an inventory level is updated. Configuration includes filter by these location names and filter by these product types.
Useful for selling, say, a limited print with different framing options, this task makes sure that a product's inventory levels, for each variant and location, are all kept in sync.
When an inventory level is updated, this task will update the inventory for all other variants of the same product.
Optionally, configure this task to filter for certain location names and product types. If you leave these blank, the task will monitor and update inventory across all locations, and for all product types.
Changes to multiple inventory items for a single product, within the span of 60 seconds, will result in only the first inventory change being applied to all inventory items. For example, if a customer purchases a framed and unframed version of the same print, the inventory levels for that product will only be decremented by 1, not by 2. If this is causing trouble for you, let us know!
Mechanic is designed to benefit everybody: merchants, customers, developers, agencies, Shopifolks, everybody.
That’s why we make it easy to configure automation without code, why we make it easy to tweak the underlying code once tasks are installed, and why we publish it all here for everyone to learn from.
(By the way, have you seen our documentation? Have you joined the Slack community?)
{% assign filter_by_these_location_names = options.filter_by_these_location_names__array %} {% assign filter_by_these_product_types = options.filter_by_these_product_types__array %} {% assign changed_inventory_level_id = inventory_level.admin_graphql_api_id %} {% comment %} -- get location and product data from the inventory level that changed {% endcomment %} {% capture query %} query IL { inventoryLevel(id: {{ changed_inventory_level_id | json }}) { location { name } quantities(names: "available") { quantity } item { id variant { product { id legacyResourceId productType } } } } } {% endcapture %} {% assign result = query | shopify %} {% if event.preview %} {% capture result_json %} { "data": { "inventoryLevel": { "location": { "name": {{ filter_by_these_location_names.first | json }} }, "quantities": [ { "quantity": 100 } ], "item": { "id": "gid://shopify/inventoryItem/1234567890", "variant": { "product": { "id": "gid://shopify/Product/1234567890", "legacyResourceId": "1234567890", "productType": {{ filter_by_these_product_types.first | json }} } } } } } } {% endcapture %} {% assign result = result_json | parse_json %} {% endif %} {% assign new_quantity = %} {% assign location = %} {% assign product = %} {% unless filter_by_these_location_names == blank or filter_by_these_location_names contains %} {% break %} {% endunless %} {% unless filter_by_these_product_types == blank or filter_by_these_product_types contains product.productType %} {% break %} {% endunless %} {% assign cache_key = "product-inventory-level-" | append: product.legacyResourceId %} {% comment %} -- if there is a cache entry, then inventory level updates were made by this task in the last minute, so stop processing {% endcomment %} {% if cache[cache_key] != blank %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% comment %} -- get inventory levels of each variant at all locations to see which need to be updated -- support up to 2K variants {% endcomment %} {% assign cursor = nil %} {% assign inventory_inputs = array %} {% for n in (1..8) %} {% capture query %} query { product(id: {{ | json }}) { variants( first: 250 after: {{ cursor | json }} ) { pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } nodes { id inventoryItem { id inventoryLevels(first: 250) { nodes { id quantities(names: "available") { quantity } location { id name } } } } } } } } {% endcapture %} {% assign result = query | shopify %} {% if event.preview %} {% capture result_json %} { "data": { "product": { "variants": { "nodes": [ { "inventoryItem": { "id": "gid://shopify/InventoryItem/2345678901", "inventoryLevels": { "nodes": [ { "quantities": [ { "quantity": 0 } ], "location": { "id": "gid://shopify/Location/1234567890", "name": {{ filter_by_these_location_names.first | json }} } } ] } } } ] } } } } {% endcapture %} {% assign result = result_json | parse_json %} {% endif %} {% for variant in %} {% for inventory_level in variant.inventoryItem.inventoryLevels.nodes %} {% if == changed_inventory_level_id %} {% continue %} {% endif %} {% unless filter_by_these_location_names == blank or filter_by_these_location_names contains %} {% continue %} {% endunless %} {% if inventory_level.quantities.first.quantity != new_quantity %} {% assign inventory_input = hash %} {% assign inventory_input["inventoryItemId"] = %} {% assign inventory_input["locationId"] = %} {% assign inventory_input["quantity"] = new_quantity %} {% assign inventory_inputs = inventory_inputs | push: inventory_input %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% if %} {% assign cursor = %} {% else %} {% break %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if inventory_inputs != blank %} {% comment %} -- set a cache entry for 60 seconds {% endcomment %} {% action "cache", "setex", cache_key, 60, true %} {% comment %} -- set the inventory levels in batches of 250 {% endcomment %} {% assign groups_of_inventory_inputs = inventory_inputs | in_groups_of: 250, fill_with: false %} {% for group_of_inventory_inputs in groups_of_inventory_inputs %} {% action "shopify" %} mutation { inventorySetQuantities( input: { name: "available" reason: "correction" ignoreCompareQuantity: true quantities: {{ group_of_inventory_inputs | graphql_arguments }} } ) { userErrors { code field message } } } {% endaction %} {% endfor %} {% endif %}